1. Guidelines and purpose
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR) refers to our responsibility to the environment. The existence of our company is not isolated. It is part of a larger system of people, values, other organizations and nature. The company's social responsibility is to give back to the world the way it gives us back.
2. Scope
This policy applies to our company and any branch or expanded production units of our company. It can also apply to suppliers and partners.
3. Elements of policy
We want to be a responsible company that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
The social responsibility of our company falls into two categories: compliance and proactivity. Compliance refers to our company’s commitment to the rule of law and its willingness to respect community values. Proactivity is any initiative to promote human rights, help communities and protect our natural environment.
3.1 Compliance
In our company we will:
- Respect the law.
- Respect our internal policies.
- Ensure that all our business activities are legal.
- Ensure that all partnerships and collaborations are open and transparent.
Business ethics
We will always operate with integrity and respect for human rights. We will promote:
- Safety and fair dealing
- Respect for the consumer
- Opposition to bribery and implementation of anti-corruption practices.
Environment protection
Our company is aware of the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We will always follow best practices when disposing of garbage and using chemicals.
Protecting people
We will make sure that:
- We do not risk the health and safety of employees and the community.
- We avoid any harm to local and indigenous people.
- We support diversity and inclusion.
Human rights
Our company protects human rights. We will ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in any country (eg forced labor).
3.2 Proactivity
Donations and assistance
Our company can plan a budget for cash donations. The purpose of these grants will be:
- Promoting education, cultural or sustainable progress and financial support for organizing events in the local or wider community.
- Helping the most vulnerable in the community.
Our company will encourage employees to volunteer. Our company can sponsor voluntary events of other organizations.
Preservation of the environment
In addition to legal obligations, our company will proactively protect the environment. Examples of relevant activities will include:
- Recycling.
- energy saving.
- Organization of trips, meetings.
- Use of environmentally friendly technologies.
Community support
Our company can support educational, cultural, or sustainable community programs and provide support to nonprofits. Our company will strive to continuously improve its operations.